Best Ios Emulator For Mac

Are you interested in the running of iOS apps on your Windows PC or if you might want to know about best iOS Emulator for PC Windows? This guide will help you for your queries. If you own an iPhone and have Windows 10, 8, 7 PC or a laptop then dear it’s not a cup of tea for you.

  1. If you are an app or a game developer then you can use an iOS emulator to properly scale, run, and test your application. Furthermore, even a normal user can use an iOS emulator to use apps that are exclusively available for iOS. ALSO READ: Best Android Emulators for Windows PC and Mac. 12 Best iOS Emulator For PC To Run iPhone Apps 1.
  2. Here are top 10 rated Android emulators to download for PC, Mac and Linux.

The transfer of the data becomes very hard as the iOS apps do not work simultaneously with the windows. This article is for the people who face such queries and to learn why iOS emulators are so harsh. If you are interested to run the iPhone apps on your Windows computers, then this guide will surely help you completely.

Top 12 iOS Emulator For PC: Smartface, iPhone Simulator, iPadian, AIR iPhone, MobiOne Studios,,, Xamarin TestFlight, Remoted iOS Simulator, iMame, Electric Mobile Studio. The best 15 iOS Emulators for your PC. IPadian Emulator; One of the best emulators in the market, iPadian is a flexible emulator that comes both in a free and paid version. The reason why most professionals refer this emulator because of its strong UI which will make the user interface of your PC look like that of an iPad. May 25, 2021 Introducing Best iOS Emulators For PC! An emulator is a program that allows you to run software from a completely different device on your laptop. It is generally used to play video games and run different operating systems, now you can put a Mac operating system on your Windows computer. Emulator allows you to run apps that normally don't work on your computer/laptop.

We would be discussing some of the best iOS emulators for PCs and laptops that runs on windows.

You can enjoy all your favorite iOS applications and games of different kinds on windows 10, 8, 7 PC too.

You can even enjoy all the iOS apps and games even if you are having an Apple product. You will just need a device that can emulate the iOS apps on another OS. One the download of iPhone emulator for PC is downloaded you are all ready to go.

Contents :

Before the start to discuss the best iOS emulators for PC, we just need to learn what emulators are.

Basically, Emulators are virtual programs that create a different OS environment on a various operating system.

iPhone emulator for these Windows is same to those software programs. Just after the installation of ios emulator for PC windows. This creates an iOS environment on windows, that can help us to run iOS application.

These emulators follow the concept of virtualization technology. This type of technology is responsible for creating the virtual machines. These devices which are virtual are capable of running iOS applications on windows computer.


These emulators are virtual programs that are used for the creation of a different OS environment than the simple OS of the device. iOS emulators for windows create and iOS environment for running iPhone apps on Windows PC.

Another development has taken place by the simulators which is OS environment. They do not try to create a copy of hardware as emulators do.

Most of the users suggests iOS emulators over simulators. Most developers use emulators for developing and testing apps.

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Emulators were made initially so that the application developers could test apps and programs.

They are made enough of running applications on one or many operating systems such as

  • iOS
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Android

The amazing point about these iPhone app emulators or iPad emulator for PC is that they are free of cost.

With the use of SDK we can upgrade them. The iPhone app emulators are user-friendly as they are way more easy to install and use.


Following are some of the best emulators that can guide us to enable the iOS apps on PC. The list has been sortified that is based on a lot of research and user reviews.


MobiOne Studio is the bestapple emulators for PCwhich allows us to run iOS games and applications on the Windows of the computer. This is discounted officially but still you are able to use it.

This is full of benefits for all the developers of apps. Those developers who look forward to develop cross-platform applications for mobile phones. You are able to enjoy the beta apps using this emulator. I have shared as well the Xbox Emulator

Compatibility – Windows, iPad, Mac, iPhone.

Ipadian For Mac

Ratings – 3/5


This is also one of the best iOS emulators for the windows in the stock. Biggest advantages and benefits of this application are that it is basic to us and very easy to navigate. No doubt is a bit slow ios emulator for PC. maximum it take almost 30 minutes to start the upload of apps.

Let me tell you that it comes with the 7-day trial service. If are satisfied using the trial version then you can upgrade to the premium plan. All you need is to sync the ios.appi bundle or the Android apk file with this, and you are ready to go.

Compatibility – Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari Browser

Ratings – 3.5/5


Best Free Ios Emulator For Mac

Smartface is a great and amazing iPhone emulator for windows. It is broadly used to build native cross-platform iOS apps. It is extensively utilized by the app developers to test iOS apps.

You can decide either the paid version or the free version depending on your choice. Smartface paid version starts form $99.

Compatibility – Windows

Rating – 4/5

Also seeSpotify Premium Apk Free Download


IPadian is perhaps the classy iPad emulator for windows. It make you feel of an iPad on android and windows products.

With the help of this emulator you can easily get the fantastic Apple features like Siri, TvOS, iMessages and watch OS. iPadian has a same interface as of the iPhone and iPad.

On the other hand it is also user-friendly as a result of this more people find ir favorable to others. Another advantage is that it is also freely available.

Compatibility – Windows, Mac OS, Linux

Rating – 4/5


This is an alternative to but many trust that is better than the It has a possibility to develop Android and iOS applications on cloud storage with the help of this emulator.

You can use it free of cost, after the installation of this for the first 100 minutes. If you desire to test some apps then it’s free version can do your job.


  • In the beginning visit official website.
  • Upload the ios or Android application file.
  • After that enter your genuine email address for the app link.
  • After the submission of the email, you will get a link in the mail. Just click on it to run the app

Rating – 4/5


Air iPhone creates a virtual iPhone on your Windows PC that enables you to see the actual screen. The AIR iPhone also supports Adobe AIR framework. You can download the Adobe air framework from their official website.

Air iPhone recreate the iPhone user interface on a computer. Air framework is supposed to be downloaded to run it successfully.

Compatibility – Windows

Rating – 3.5/5


It is an extension of Google Chrome browser. It performs the function for both like a cloud OS as well as a simulator.

It is a virtual clone of iPad which we can use as an iOS emulator for Windows Computer. If you desire a cloud ios emulator for PC then iPad simulator is the best choice for you.

Compatibility – Windows, Chrome

Rating – 4.5/5

[UPDATE] Recently removed from Chrome Website


It’s one of the most useful apps if you are looking for an emulator which will guide you to play your iPhone has on your Windows PCs. The huge advantage for this that it has excellent features of graphics.

Further if you want ti use this, then the accurate news is that this comes free of cost. Then you can create a virtual clone UI of iPhone on windows using iPhone Simulator. Simply download it and enjoy…!!!!!

Compatibility – Windows

Ratings – 4/5



It is a comfort that is broadly regraded as the greatest ever. this has received great views from the iOS users too. Nintendo 3DS emulator is for you so you can play some good using this ios emulator for PC.

Nintendo lets enjoy 3D games on your Windows PC. It creates a virtual console on your PC. The gaming with this emulator is quite smooth. You can play the games without any lagging issue. I suggest iPhone emulator for PC.

Ratings – 5/5

Compatibility – Windows, iOS, Android, Mac

TOP Best iOS Emulator for PC : –


It is well known for giving advanced support and a very user-friendly UI. This emulator runs smoothly and is very easy to download and install.

Apple Corporation has a recent owned this emulator. Xamarin TestFlight is one of the most famous ios emulator for PC.

Compatibility – Windows, Mac

Ratings – 4.5/5


It’s a paid emulator to run iOS app on Windows products. It is said to be quite expensive, but many trust that the product gave is of a high quality.

Electric Mobile Studio can guide us to develop ios apps using different coding languages. It almost costs around #39.99 per month. Which is a high price for an emulator. You are provided a free 7 day trial test.

Compatibility – Windows

Rating – 4.5/5


Another is iOS emulator that has smoothly grown in stature over some time now is the ripple iOS emulator. It is basically used for the testing of the applications and also for the development of new applications by the developers.

Ripple is another cloud-based iPhone emulator that holds almost all iOS apps. It has the ability to run iOS 1 to iOS 11 apps on any device.

Rating – 4.5/5

Compatibility – Google Chrome


iMAME is a good emulator for gaming. It’s basically an aid that is possible for you to download and install all the applications and games that are available on iPhone and iPad. Just download it and you are all ready to enjoy.

Ratings – 2.5/5

Compatibility – NA


It’s one of the latest products in the market that you can use to emulate iOS on your PC. It is used primarily by the developers to test the cross-platform compatibility of iOS apps with Windows platform.

To be an Apple product it has the best features. You are allowed to use it to run apps like iMessage on Windows PC. It’s a famous emulator for the app development purpose.

Compatibility – Windows, Linux, Mac

Ratings – 3.5/5


The second last in the list is the iDos Emulator that work seamlessly to give you iOS experience on your PC. You can utilize this iOS emulator for PC at no cost.

Presently, the iDos emulator is not getting updates on features or bug reports. If you are interested to try it, then you are free to download it.

Compatibility – Windows

What Is The Best Emulator For Ios

Ratings – 2/5


It’s another product from the Xamarin. You can try most of the ios apps on PC using this ios emulator. You are also free to debug it with the help of Windows Visual Studio Enterprise.

Compatibility – Windows

Ratings – 4/5

Ios Simulator

Best IOS Emulator For Mac :

Here I shared the list of IOS emulators which are also available for mac Pc. These are the same as the window ones But you can also run these on Mac Pc…





These Ios Emulators are Also available for MAC OS along with Windows. You can Download these form above links.

Run Ios Apps On Mac


Ios Simulator For Pc

I hope that you loved the article about iOs emulator for PC. These are the best iOS emulators for Windows 10, 8, 7. These emulators may nit run all of the ios applications on windows.

Still if you are facing any query then contact us in the reply section.